A single component water based acrylic cross linking emulsion designed to penetrate concrete surfaces and adhere to produce a clear gloss coating, providing a hard wearing dust free surface.
Aquaseal SP (Added stain protection)
A single component water based acrylic cross linking emulsion designed to penetrate concrete surfaces and adhere to produce a clear low sheen coating, providing a hard wearing dust free, more natural surface than a gloss coating with additional stain protection making it ideal for entertaining areas, garages and driveways.
A single component water based acrylic cross linking emulsion designed to penetrate concrete surfaces and adhere to produce a clear low sheen coating, providing a hard wearing dust free, more natural surface than a gloss coating.
Penetrating sealer for a natural finish for most stone and concrete surfaces. Provides stain protection with water repellent features whilst remaining a breathable coating.
Penetrating sealer for concrete to give a water repellent, invisible finish. Often used as a primer coat prior to Pen-E-Seal for added protection.
A modified silicate sealer providing a hardened, densified concrete surface, ideal for subsequent diamond polishing.
Film Forming Sealers
Film forming sealers create a physical protective barrier over the surface of the applied area.
Penetrating Sealers
Penetrating sealers sink into the surface of the applied area and cause a chemical change in the surface resulting in superior chemical based protective qualities.
Hardeners sink into the surface of the applied area and cause a chemical change in the surface resulting in superior physical based protective qualities.
Enhancers change the surface of the material to enhance the colour.