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A single component water based acrylic cross linking emulsion designed to penetrate concrete surfaces and adhere to produce a clear gloss coating, providing a hard wearing dust free surface.



Aquaseal SP (Added stain protection)

A single component water based acrylic cross linking emulsion designed to penetrate concrete surfaces and adhere to produce a clear low sheen coating, providing a hard wearing dust free, more natural surface than a gloss coating with additional stain protection making it ideal for entertaining areas, garages and driveways.



Aquaseal LS (low sheen)

A single component water based acrylic cross linking emulsion designed to penetrate concrete surfaces and adhere to produce a clear low sheen coating, providing a hard wearing dust free, more natural surface than a gloss coating.




Penetrating sealer for a natural finish for most stone and concrete surfaces. Provides stain protection with water repellent features whilst remaining a breathable coating.




Penetrating sealer for concrete to give a water repellent, invisible finish. Often used as a primer coat prior to Pen-E-Seal for added protection.




A modified silicate sealer providing a hardened, densified concrete surface, ideal for subsequent diamond polishing.



Enhance AE300

Enhance AE 300 is specially formulated water based stone enhancer designed to darken and highlight the character and beauty of unsealed Granite, Marble, Slate and other natural stone products whilst providing good water and stain protection. Enhance AE 300 rejuvenates the colour and appearance of worn and weathered stone giving it a new life.

Film Forming Sealers

Film forming sealers create a physical protective barrier over the surface of the applied area.

Penetrating Sealers

Penetrating sealers sink into the surface of the applied area and cause a chemical change in the surface resulting in superior chemical based protective qualities.


Hardeners sink into the surface of the applied area and cause a chemical change in the surface resulting in superior physical based protective qualities.


Enhancers change the surface of the material to enhance the colour.

Graffiti Protection

Graffiti protective coatings that allow for easy graffiti removal when cleaned.

Graffiti Removal

Removers specifically formulated to clean graffiti from a range of surfaces.

Water Based Cleaners

Full range of water-based commercial and domestic cleaners for a wide range of applications.

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